Brief Bio of I fell in love with therapeutic touch, as early as 4 years old, at the “tireless feet and legs” of my Native American Indian-Irish Grandmother! On Sundays, while my Grandmother rested after a long demanding week of work within our substantial size home, at her insistence, even though I wanted to play in her hair with my siblings, my Grandmother overruled with gentle insistence that I massage her feet and legs because of my “special touch!” My adult life of extensive international travels greatly enhanced, inspired and encouraged my approach to therapeutic bodywork! While working as a paralegal, I would always find myself massaging my awe-inspiring children, spiritual daughter, spiritual family, niece, nephew, parents, extended family, friends, friends of friends, co-workers and attorneys, at their requests or other people’s strong recommendations! Finally, I directed my interests to formal training. After studying 200 hours of Oriental bodywork at The Shiatsu Center on Main in Santa Monica, CA, I decided to study Ayurveda at The University of Complementary Medicine in Los Angeles, CA, which thoroughly matched my heartfelt longings and love for therapeutic touch! In the midst of a healthy and loving lifestyle between both of my Grandmothers, who were literally my first Doctors, I learned and witness the epitome of compassion, love for mankind and generous hospitality! Ayurveda reminded me of childhood memories, i.e., fresh milk from our own cows, our backyard grown fresh garden vegetables, seasonal Griot herbal concoctions made for specific symptoms or health conditions, yearly herbal medicinal intakes of castor oil, medicinal milky doses, cod liver oil, lifestyle and dietary qualities, drinking boiled water after meals for digestion and special meals for my Grandfathers. I hold an unwavering appreciation for my Grandmothers’ wisdom, herbal remedies and seasonal wellness rituals! Their pristine examples enhance the discipline quality of my uncompromising foundation in mind, body and Soul! In 2007, after working for hotels, chiropractors, YMCA, private clientele, I determined that my skills would be best served at a nationally private brand name fitness & spa in Los Angeles, CA as a Massage Therapist. It has been a Godsend to find a reputable company that wholeheartedly reflects my personal and professional qualities. I treasure each Guest for their uniqueness, as their needs require me to listen (inwardly and outwardly), allowing me to actively consult, analyze, customize, assess and provide “my signature therapeutic bodywork.” I regularly perform 60 and 90-minute Swedish, deep pressure, sports, pre-natal bodywork, stone massage, craniosacral and reflexology, as well as, Ayurvedic marmas and Oriental meridians influenced bodywork. My insatiable passion for Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama formulates my humility, respect, wisdom, privilege and honor to perform therapeutic bodywork! I held 8 years (2008-2015) as Lead Massage Therapist at Equinox Fitness & Spa, Century City, CA. I woke up one morning in December 2015 (resigned 1/10/15) realizing that my unrelenting passion for exclusive Ayurveda bodywork had come. It is such a sweet blissfilled pleasure to perform the healing qualities that Ayurveda bodywork offers and witness the visible restorative benefits that my clients love! Since the human form consists of immeasurable vibrational frequencies, all accessible at any given moment, I coined the phrase . . . “Therapeutic bodywork is a superb reminder that we are more than our present circumstance.” TO LIFE, NOW! |